Acorn’s PPE (personal protective equipment) range now features Bollé Safety. We offer highly competitive pricing.
Comfortable, stylish, and offering the right level of protection for your workplace, Bollé Safety glasses enhance employee safety, while helping defend against a major cause of production stoppages.
As employers we have a duty of care and safety to our workforce. Supplying them with high quality equipment to protect them and allow them to do their job in the best possible manner makes perfect business sense.
From the production line to the office
Two thirds of employees in front of a screen complain of eye strain. Of course, on the manufacturing floor eyewear is even more important for safety, with 90% of injuries being protected against by using appropriate eye protection.
Bollé safety wear allows you to meet your employer regulatory obligations in style.
Basic standards: EN 166 Specifications, EN 167 Optical test methods, EN 168 Test method other than optical.
Standards by use: EN 169 Welding filters, EN 170 Ultraviolet filters, EN 171 Infrared filters, EN 172 Solar protection filters for industrial use, EN 175 Welding work equipment, EN 207 Glasses for laser protection, EN 208 Glasses for laser adjustment, EN 379 Specification concerning welding filters.
Full MRO and PPE ranges
Alongside our comprehensive components supply and logistics services, we provide extensive MRO (maintenance, repair, operations) and PPE ranges to take care of your production and assembly needs.
We stock the leading names for:
- Eye, hand and head protection
- Handtools, including drill bits
- Abrasive and cutting tools
- Industrial adhesives and sealants
- Janitorial supplies
- Oils, greases and other lubricants
Contact us with your requirements to find out about our competitive pricing.